Stan’s Latest Blog
Well, first I wish you all a very Happy New Year.
As we start 2025 I have lots to report on, particularly after a long, recent meeting with the new Highways Manager.
– Good news on the footpath between Shaw Green Lane and Laxton Meadow on Southam Road, which has now been included in the budget for April.
– Glebe Rd; the Highways Manager has seen the problem himself and his view on moving forward with this long term flooding problem is to have a full,
detailed investigation of drains and soak-away on the island and to take specialist advice from drainage experts; this might entail taking some of the corners off the island. I will keep pressing on this matter.
– Barley Rd / Prestbury Rd; a resident asked me to establish why the grass verge had not been cut. I have been assured Highways will do this going forward but please let me know if it doesn’t happen.
– Blacksmiths Lane; problems with flooding – Highways to investigate further and will get back to me as to what can be done.
– Mill Street; problem highlighted as a concern at the last PPC meeting as regards vehicles driving over and parking on the grass banking on the lower part (The Burgage end) of the street. I felt this too was something Highways should be looking at – I have been promised they will see what they can do
So, plenty covered and I felt this was very worthwhile time spent with the new Highways Manager – I will be watching closely for progress !
Also, speeding on Southam Road – we covered this matter in detail and he came up with some options. The first was a pedestrian crossing, which would be a long process and involves getting a licence to install at a cost of around £20,000 if not more, and then around £250,000 to actually install. As a more practical alternative he suggested that going down the road with a VAS system may be a better option as this would cost around £2,000 to £3,000 and the Parish Council may help. I need to talk to our friends at the PPC and see what they think, so will report back when I have more information.
And, although just outside our Ward I note that work has started on the reinstatement of the previously much used small car park (adjacent to the park) on the east side of Albemarle Gate. It had been used as a builder’s compound in connection with the CycleWay construction. Part of the deal was the car park would be properly re-surfaced. With my Council colleagues I will be keeping a watch on progress.
Last but not least,
I must comment on the recent (7-Jan-2025) response from the leader of CBC, Councillor Rowena Hay, with regard to the statement from Gloucestershire County Council about local ‘devolution’.
Gloucestershire Cabinet has apparently agreed to approve a letter to the government that requests a postponement of the County Council elections in May so they can rush ahead to secure a devolution deal that doesn’t exist.
Even worse is the leader of GCC’s letter to the minister gives the appearance of consensus and that CBC supports this postponement.
Councillor Hay made clear that as Leader of Cheltenham Borough Council she categorically does not support this letter or a delay in the election, and that she will be writing to the minister to make this clear.
As Borough Councillor for Prestbury, I wholeheartedly support Councillor Hay in this decision.
I feel the government’s current thinking over potential regional changes, would put wards like Prestbury without a say in what goes on in their ward.
With regards to all
PAB Borough Councillor
Stan Smith.