Stan’s July Blog –
As the Senior Councillor for Prestbury I take very seriously making progress with the smaller issues which local residents bring to my attention in addition to my responsibilities to our Town as a whole. Here are just a few of the day to day matters I have been dealing with recently:
Priors Rd resurfacing – at long last we managed to persuade the County Council of the importance of this work being done on this major road approaching Prestbury. The job was completed in June
Southam Rd footpath – I received an email from Highways saying this footpath is on their ‘to do’ list this summer. If you want to check it out the enquiry number is 11452593
Southam Rd, Speeding – The Police have had speed cameras out. The preliminary report states that many vehicles were over the road speed limit. I need to await the full report but I am hoping we can get some firm action at an early date
Glebe Road – The recurring flooding problems have surfaced again. After having been down there and spoken with residents I arranged for the drainage facilities to have an initial inspection which led the Inspector to see the need for a far more detailed investigation. I appreciate this might take time but at least we’ve started. More news when I have it
More generally, I am still working on several planning issues around the Ward. I do though have a major concern surrounding the housing policies of the new Government – I am keeping my eyes and ears open as more information emerges.
Very best wishes to ALL Prestbury residents. You know where I am if you need me.
(PAB Borough Councillor Stanley Smith)
write: Stan Smith,
c/o Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 9SA